Terms of use and policies for Center for Work Wellbeing.


Unless indicated otherwise, the copyright for all content on this website is held by Center for Work Wellbeing and its holding company Kemp & Associates ApS. It is prohibited to use the website content, such as text, images and graphics without our prior consent. Some content, such as images, may require third party consent.


All texts and links are created carefully and are continually monitored and up-dated. We endeavour to provide correct and complete information on our website, but we cannot guarantee that no errors occur, and we do not assume responsibility, liability or warranty for any information on website is correct, complete or up-to-date.

All links on the website to external providers, sources or information were checked for accuracy at the time of their inclusion, but we are nevertheless not liable for any content and availability for any of these websites, or sources reached by such links.

Center for Work Wellbeing and Kemp & Associates ApS are incorporated in Denmark and are governed by Danish law and practices.


Our website uses “cookies,” which are text files stored on your computer, mobile, or similar devices to perform statistics of the website use.

Some of these cookies are collated by software used to manage the website configuration to produce general statistics about how the site is used, how many visitors, etc.

However, we are not actively collecting any information about you, your data or your preferences. We are not posting adds on the website and are not using cookies to customise such adds or remember your preferences.

Cookies cannot contain harmful code such as viruses.

If you do not want information to be collected, you should delete your cookies (see instructions below) and refrain from further use of the website.

It is possible to delete or block cookies. Please see instructions in Danish: http://minecookies.org/cookiehandtering

Personal Data


Personal data is any kind of information that can be attributed to you to some extent.

As described above, the website software may collect and process the following types of information: a unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet, or mobile phone, your IP number, geographical location, and which pages you click on.

These data are for statistical use only.

Apart from these types of data collected via cookies as described above, we are only collecting you name and email address if you explicitly consent to this by entering this information yourself. The purpose of this could be to request being contacted by us, gain access to locked content, or to receive regular newsletters.


We process your personal data securely and confidentially in accordance with applicable legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act.
Your information will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected and will be deleted when that purpose is fulfilled or no longer relevant.

We have taken technical and organisational measures against your information being accidentally or unlawfully deleted, published, lost, degraded, disclosed to unauthorized persons, misused, or otherwise processed in violation of the law.


The information collated is only used to identify you as a user to provide the services you have requested, such as sending you a newsletter or provide access to blocked content. In addition, we use the information to optimize our website and content.

Retention Period

The information is stored for the period allowed under the law, and we delete it when it is no longer necessary. The period depends on the nature of the information and the reason for its storage. It is therefore not possible to provide a general timeframe for when information will be deleted.

Disclosure of Information

We are not disclosing personal data to any third parties. Our website provider, GoDaddy, does not use any data originating from Center for Work Wellbeing.

But data picked up via cookies may be used by third party software, installed to safeguard the website, or track usage for statistics.

These only process information on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes.

Disclosure of personal data such as name and email, etc., will only occur if you give consent to it.

We only use data processors in the EU or in countries that can provide sufficient protection for your information.

Access and Complaints

You have the right to be informed about which personal data we process about you in a common format (data portability).

You can also object at any time to the use of the information. You can also withdraw your consent for the processing of information about you. If the information being processed about you is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted.

Requests can be made to: [email protected] if you wish to complain about our processing of your personal data, you also have the option to contact the Data Protection Authority directly.

If you no longer wish for us to process your personal data, or if you want us to limit the processing of your personal data, you can also send us a request to the email address mentioned above.


The website is owned and published by:

Kemp & Associates ApS
Tureby Alle 46
2650 Hvidovre
[email protected]